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Transformational Storytelling Workshop for Business Teams

Assess Your Messaging • Transform Your Narrative • Elevate Your Impact

While on a year-long walking trip across America, Jordan Bower learned the art and craft of storytelling.

Jordan has taken his insights from that unique creative journey and transformed them into practical tools and guidance that have helped tens of thousands of business professionals elevate the impact of their communications.

Jordan has facilitated storytelling workshops for more than 150 companies around the world.

Transformational Storytelling Training Workshop for Business Teams

An immersive training workshop that enables a proven, actionable and transformational business communications toolkit by connecting your team with the storyteller that we all have inside of us.

Storytelling is the basis for many business and leadership goals, like driving effective decision making, building a compelling business case, generating buy-in for change, expressing a team’s value, and presenting data for impact. 

This workshop is an immersive learning experience that enables a proven, actionable and transformational business communications toolkit. Your team will leave the workshop equipped with new skills, frameworks, shared language, and specific, actionable ideas—and the inspiration you need to sustain change.

During this workshop, your team will:

  • understand the importance, value and potential impact of storytelling in business

  • learn tools, principles and frameworks that improve communication at all levels of your team

  • catalyze a transformational shift in thinking that elevates how you engage, influence and get buy-in

  • custom design a tailored action plan that will enable your team to sustain your learning 

  • emerge as more compelling, trusted and adaptable communicators who can craft authentic messages that motivate and inspire


Teams from any Business
Function (e.g. sales, product, marketing, executive, etc.)


In-Person. (Virtual available
on a select basis.)


In-Person: 1 or 2 days


✅ Best Practice Examples
✅ Interactive Exercises
✅ Customized Next Steps


In-Person: Up to 50

“Jordan knows his stuff inside and out, and he communicates it wonderfully.”

— Workshop Attendee, Canadian Tire Triangle Learning Academy

What to Expect:

Build a transformational storytelling skillset that helps you:

  • Inspire your stakeholders with your message

  • Use creative imagination to get outside the box

  • Apply storytelling process to create clarity and impact

  • Practice experimenting—and learning from failure

  • Develop dynamic narratives that win others to your ideas

  • Build storytelling tools, confidence and focus

Jordan’s Storytelling Workshop Clients

Jordan Bower has worked with more than 150 organizations from around the world, and trained tens of thousands of professionals in strategic storytelling. His clients include:

“We came into the room with a complex technical product, and walked away from the workshop knowing exactly which stories we should be telling and why.”

— VP Product, Unbounce

Transformational Storytelling Training Workshop: Learning Approach

Expect a creative learning experience with immersive exercises and dynamic structured learning that helps you evolve your team’s skills, messaging, and tactics in real time.

Your team will leave the workshop equipped with new tools, frameworks shared language, and specific, actionable ideas—as well as the motivation you’ll need to sustain your transformation. 

Overall workshop structure and themes include:

1. Assess Your Messaging

  • The Science and Technology of Storytelling

  • Not How You Think: How Expert Leaders Use Storytelling

  • If Storytelling is So Great, Why Isn’t Everyone Doing It?

2. Transform Your Narrative

  • The Craft of Storytelling: Turn Data into Engagement

  • The Art of Storytelling: Clarify Your Message

  • Transformational Storytelling: Put It All Together

3. Elevate Your Impact

  • The Transformational Storytelling Process: Try, Apply, Learn, Repeat

  • How to Address Outer—and Inner—Obstacles

  • That Was a Great Workshop: So Now What?

Immersive workshop exercises include:

  • How to Tell Your Leadership Story… in 3 Mins or Less

  • How to Walk a Mile (or 1000) in your Audience’s Shoes

  • Understand Your Audience: Beyond Empathy Mapping

  • Find Your Big Idea, Elevate Your Charisma

  • Strategic Story Design: Building a Tailored Action Plan

“We have seen immediate improvement in all our communication, from how we tell the story of our founders to how we express the vision and value of our product. Jordan’s workshop delivered impact from our executives to individual contributors.”

— Chief Revenue Officer, King’s Hawaiian

Meet Jordan Bower.

A dynamic lateral thinker, expert group facilitator and accomplished business storyteller, Jordan Bower has been teaching the art, craft and science of strategic storytelling in business for nearly fifteen years. 

Jordan has delivered more than 150 storytelling workshops to organizational clients, including tech companies like Autodesk and Mozilla, large scale corporations like King’s Hawaiian and Canadian Tire, as well as many groups across small and medium-sized business, non-profits and the public sector. As a keynote speaker, he has delivered talks and workshops at conferences and events in North America, Europe and Asia.

Jordan often supplements his workshops with transformational coaching, consulting and advisory engagements. He is based in Vancouver, Canada, where he still enjoys very long walks.

Jordan’s website | LinkedIn


  • The training includes 3 learning modules:

    1. Overview of Business Storytelling: What it is and why it is relevant

    2. Foundations and Frameworks of Business Storytelling: How to think about integrating storytelling ideas in business mesages

    3. Putting the ideas into practice: Applying new insights to the team’s real messaging.

    These modules are supplemented with a mix of interactive exercises, peer learning groups and large group facilitated conversation.

  • Very! We keep the energy up with real world examples of effective business storytelling, dynamic content and facilitation style, and plenty of structured exercises in pairs and peer learning groups.

  • This training takes a principle-based approach to business storytelling. That means the principles can be applied broadly to any kind of business communication. We address written and verbal communication in emails, reports, Powerpoint decks, presentations, videos, social media and much, much more.

  • Yes! The principles learned in this workshop apply to storytelling with data and other visuals. Participants learn how to clarify their message, find the emotional core and relate it to their stakeholders or other audiences. Then, they practice applying these ideas to real examples of their workplace messaging.

  • Yes! Before every workshop, we conduct research that allows us to customize content and examples to your group. Before the session, we will suggest examples of your real messaging that can be “workshopped” during the training. These examples may be marketing materials, a slide from a Powerpoint deck, or other relevant “stories”.

    Don’t worry, we will guide you to the best stories to work on in the training, and you will approve everything in advance!

  • Yes! We love working with our clients to maximize the value they get from our training. Just send us a message!

  • No! The workshop uses a mix of structured exercises, peer-learning groups and large group sessions to introduce and learn the material. Your team will participate in exercises in pairs and groups of four, but no one will be obligated to present anything in front of the entire group.

  • Yes! I have custom designed the content, and I deliver it in a tailored way to every group. I have successfully delivered more than 100 storytelling workshops!

  • Yes! Your team will receive additional materials, recommended readings, and tools to continue developing their storytelling skills after the workshop.

    Additionally, I will meet with your leadership after the workshop to reflect on the learning experience and to recommend customized next steps.

  • This storytelling training is often the first step in a change initiative. Transformation is my speciality! I will be happy to discuss a longer journey if you like, after the training. For more info, check out my homepage.

  • This content is presented as a workshop, rather than a storytelling training for business, because participants will “workshop” real examples of their mesaging. The workshop is highly engaging and interactive, focusing on developing storytellers rather than “training” them.


Get in touch with Jordan

Let’s schedule a 30 min consultation to discuss your group, your goals, and how I might be able to help.