Win with Humanity: Creativity + Storytelling Training for Sales

Put down your sales script, and unlock the missing ingredient that will build trust, communicate value, and motivate your customers to act.

You’ll level up your communication, connection and creative skills in this remarkable, instructor-led sales storytelling training.

Create and tell killer sales stories.

Be more memorable and trustworthy.

Get your message across clearly.

Learn to connect head and heart with your sales message.

Insightful frameworks. Lively discussions. Transformational ideas.

Join expert sales storytelling coach Jordan Bower in this interactive, instructor-led Sales Storytelling Training.

woman presents at a sales storytelling training.

I’ve worked with these clients, and many more:

Creativity + Storytelling Training for Sales Teams

Every sales professional knows that facts tell, but stories sell. The problem is that most people think that the “story” means the words in your pitch—and not the emotion with which you connect to your customers and prospects.

In this dynamic and remarkable training, you will take your understanding of sales storytelling to a whole new level, so you can bring greater charisma, empathy and, ultimately, impact to the way you deliver your real messages. Create great sales stories. Connect with meaning. Become a master sales storyteller.

Why Bother (Course Outcomes):

  • Learn the psychology of storytelling, and how it applies to sales

  • Improve how you understand your audience, and become more trusted and engaging

  • Use data and imagery to make fewer words pack a punch

  • Have fun and build confidence thinking outside the box

  • Apply your new insights to your real sales messaging

Essential Details:

  • Start with 2, 4, 7 or 14 hours of instructor-led learning.

  • Delivered in-person anywhere in the US or Canada. Virtual and hybrid also available.

  • Applies to any sales professional, from SDRs to sales engineers to sales executives.

  • Appropriate for groups from 12-500+. I’ll tailor my content to make you more effective.

“Where the *&%# did you find this guy? He’s amazing!”

~ Real Client Testimonial

Meet Your Creativity + Business Storytelling Expert Facilitator

Meet Your Creativity + Business Storytelling Expert Facilitator

Creativity and business storytelling workshop facilitator Jordan Bower

I’m Jordan Bower. I starting learning the art of storytelling back in my twenties, when I spent a year walking across America.

When I finally shaved off my Forrest Gump beard, I founded a creative consultancy, and over the last fifteen years, I’ve delivered trainings in business storytelling to more than 100 companies around the world.

Meet Your Creativity + Business Storytelling Expert Facilitator

Meet Your Creativity + Business Storytelling Expert Facilitator

Hear More About this Storytelling Workshop from Jordan Bower


Get in touch with Jordan

Let’s schedule a 30 min consultation to discuss your group, your goals, and how I might be able to help.

3 Things You Learn at Sales Storytelling Training:

1. Storytelling has a structure.

Storytelling is a system, and, like every system, it has rules that anyone can learn to follow. Learning these rules makes it easier to weave in creative elements that can add flourish and style.

You’ll learn these frameworks of sales storytelling, so you can use it by yourself. Basically, I’ll teach you fish.

2. You can practice easily.

Like every skill, storytelling improves with practice. I’ll teach your team simple and powerful storytelling exercises that you can use over and over again, whenever you need to design and deliver an important message.

You’ll learn through doing, and everyone on your team will receive personalized insights, feedback and takeaways.

3. You can use it everywhere.

Storytelling is the foundation of all human-to-human communication. You can use it while writing, speaking, emailing, texting… In fact, I’m using storytelling right now.

You’ll learn how use storytelling principles to be more effective in all your communication—pitches, presentations, online meetings and much more.

“Jordan knows his stuff inside and out, and he communicates it brilliantly.”

“We came into the room unclear about how to talk about a highly technical product and walked away knowing exactly which stories to tell and why.”

a woman presents to her group at a business storytelling workshop

“Immensely practical and also deeply insightful. Every leader in our company should attend this storytelling workshop!”

“More than just business storytelling—a new perspective on how to communicate in all aspects of our lives. Thank you, Jordan!”

How Your Sales Training Is Structured:

  1. See frameworks and best practice examples, customized to your industry. Learn the building blocks and frameworks of effective sales storytelling.

  2. Try applying these ideas to your real stories, including personal sales storytelling narratives, as well as team-wide stories like pitches, demos and case studies.

  3. Reflect on your experience through small group exercises, digesting your new insights as individuals and a wider sales team

  4. Integrate the learning by using design thinking exercises to plan your next steps—tailored to you!

What Your Sales Training Includes:

  • 3 pre-workshop interviews with a cross section of your team. I use this background information to tailor your workshop to your context and learning style. (Each interview is 30 mins, virtual and 1-on-1.)

  • 1 pre-workshop planning call with your leadership. I’ll tell you the insights from my interviews, recommend customizations and receive your final approval. (30 mins, virtual)

  • 1 post-workshop planning call with your leadership. Right after the workshop, I’ll meet with you one more time to help your leadership team reflect and integrate your learning experience. I’ll recommend exactly what to do next so you can develop a roadmap to keep build your team’s sales storytelling muscles. (30-60 mins, virtual).

  • All Workshop materials, including slide deck, videos and recommended further reading. You’ll get everything, and you can keep it forever.

Who Sales Storytelling Training is For:

  • Participants with any experience level. Are you a team of novice storytellers? Experts? Introverts? Extroverts? My creative facilitation approach means that I can meet you wherever you are at—and take you wherever you want to go!

  • Ideally in-person. I travel to clients all over the US and Canada—and, occasionally, the rest of the world. I also offer virtual workshops that cover different content in a different way.

  • Sales professionals with any speciality. The human-centered nature of storytelling means that everyone takes something tangible and personalized back to their jobs.

  • Sales teams who are willing to take the creative risks in order to be more innovative.


Get in touch with Jordan

Let’s schedule a 30 min consultation to discuss your group, your goals, and how I might be able to help.


  • The training includes 3 learning modules:

    1. Overview of Business Storytelling: What it is and why it is relevant

    2. Foundations and Frameworks of Business Storytelling: How to think about integrating storytelling ideas in business mesages

    3. Putting the ideas into practice: Applying new insights to the team’s real messaging.

    These modules are supplemented with a mix of interactive exercises, peer learning groups and large group facilitated conversation.

  • Very! We keep the energy up with real world examples of effective business storytelling, dynamic content and facilitation style, and plenty of structured exercises in pairs and peer learning groups.

  • This training takes a principle-based approach to business storytelling. That means the principles can be applied broadly to any kind of business communication. We address written and verbal communication in emails, reports, Powerpoint decks, presentations, videos, social media and much, much more.

  • Yes! The principles learned in this workshop apply to storytelling with data and other visuals. Participants learn how to clarify their message, find the emotional core and relate it to their stakeholders or other audiences. Then, they practice applying these ideas to real examples of their workplace messaging.

  • Yes! Before every workshop, we conduct research that allows us to customize content and examples to your group. Before the session, we will suggest examples of your real messaging that can be “workshopped” during the training. These examples may be marketing materials, a slide from a Powerpoint deck, or other relevant “stories”.

    Don’t worry, we will guide you to the best stories to work on in the training, and you will approve everything in advance!

  • Yes! We love working with our clients to maximize the value they get from our training. Just send us a message!

  • No! The workshop uses a mix of structured exercises, peer-learning groups and large group sessions to introduce and learn the material. Your team will participate in exercises in pairs and groups of four, but no one will be obligated to present anything in front of the entire group.

  • Yes! I have custom designed the content, and I deliver it in a tailored way to every group. I have successfully delivered more than 100 storytelling workshops!

  • Yes! Your team will receive additional materials, recommended readings, and tools to continue developing their storytelling skills after the workshop.

    Additionally, I will meet with your leadership after the workshop to reflect on the learning experience and to recommend customized next steps.

  • This storytelling training is often the first step in a change initiative. Transformation is my speciality! I will be happy to discuss a longer journey if you like, after the training. For more info, check out my homepage.

  • This content is presented as a workshop, rather than a storytelling training for business, because participants will “workshop” real examples of their mesaging. The workshop is highly engaging and interactive, focusing on developing storytellers rather than “training” them.

Read Jordan’s Articles on Business Storytelling