Partnering with you to catalyze narrative change

Who I Am

Hi, I’m Jordan Bower, a Transformational Storytelling Consultant based in Vancouver, BC.

After graduating from business school, I set off on a long creative journey, traveling the world, where I developed my skill in leadership practices like facilitation, coaching, transformation, and, of course, storytelling. In my early 30s, I founded a consulting practice that has brought human-centered communications skills to nearly 200 businesses and 1000s of individual clients.

I have a vision of a new type of leader—one who can skillfully integrate both their analytical and their intuitive sides, unifying creativity with action.

If this resonates with you, I would love to connect. Get in touch.

My work is driven by deep understanding of how leadership storytelling is changing

Many people in business have a narrow definition of “storytelling” as literally standing in front of someone and talking at them.

However, in today’s immersive communications environment, audiences everywhere see themselves at the center of the story. As leaders, it is our job to “transform” our story into emotionally evocative experiences that will resonate with our stakeholders. In other words, we need to take our stories and make them theirs.

This realization can be humbling. Understanding it requires a mindset shift that can reinvigorate our own leadership by infusing it with greater authenticity, individuality and purpose. Helping people make this shift motivates what I do.

My understanding of transformation comes from deep personal experience.

We can only lead others through transformation when we have experienced this challenging journey for ourselves. My personal transformation narrative occurred when I spent nearly a year walking by myself down the West Coast of America, from Canada to Mexico.

Along this life-changing trip, I spent many, many hours walking alone along beaches, forest trails, and the shoulder of the coastal highway. Through good luck and providence, I had the great privilege (and the monumental struggle) of re-writing my own narrative, finding insight, remorse, and forgiveness.

Beyond the specific details of my quest, the greatest outcome was empathy for the virtues and challenges of transformation. This, too, informs my professional practice.
